Call For Help and a Free Pregnancy Test
- Do you think that you might be pregnant?
- Have you missed a period?
- Feeling scared?
- Not sure what to do or who to speak to?
- Are you too scared to tell your boyfriend in case he leaves you.
- What about Mom and Dad, do you think they will react badly?
- Do you know what your options are?
- Single Parenting, Foster Care, Kinship Care, Adoption or Abortion?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy is not easy
We can help with:
- Free Pregnancy Testing
- Clarity on Life Before Birth
- Pregnancy Crisis Counselling
- Pre- and Post- Adoption Advice
- Adoption Facilitation
- Post Abortion Counselling
- Support for Single Mothers
- Non-diagnostic Ultrasounds
- HIV Counselling and Testing
- Baby Safe
You don’t have to do it alone
We will help you make an informed decision about your future. You will be offered the information you need to make a decision that is neither hurried nor based on ignorance.
During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include a missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, frequent urination, tiredness, and mood swings.