Pregnancy Crisis Service:

Do you need to talk to someone who is neutral, someone who can help you to look at your choices objectively and provide confidential advice and non-judgemental support? Chat to us on Whatsapp on 083 56 26 106.

We also offer pre- and post-adoption counselling and support.

Free Counselling:

Extensive counselling is available to birth parents facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We will help you look at all your options, making the best possible decision for yourself and your baby’s future. This service is available throughout the pregnancy and after the birth.

Our help is both free and confidential, and will support you in whatever decision you make.

If you choose to make an adoption plan, you will have a say in choosing specific parents for your baby.

Adoption (for adoptive parents):

If you are considering adoption as a way of building your family, you are invited to contact us for further information.

All prospective parents who wish to adopt are screened and educated in adoption processes and procedures. You will work with a social worker, who will help you to develop the insight, or understanding, necessary for a well-prepared adoptive family.